This was a big year for Bob, he was talked out of his successful career as an independent contractor to join full time at Zoom systems. A company that does *not* sell vending machines, they are in "automated retail" thank you very much ;-).
Being the savvy person he is, Bob got in just in time for us to attend the holiday party next week. While he will miss his flexibility and casual monday mornings, he is looking forward to being part of a team again and having a nice office in the city doesn't hurt either.
I continue to work for ORCL and keep myself busy blogging professionally. My big professional accomplishment this year was getting accepted to attend the TEDActive conference next February. I'm already looking forward to experiencing that event.
As a full time first grader Ashton is getting used to homework and spelling lists. She is an outstanding student who helps bring order to chaos wherever she goes. Teachers shake their heads as they tell us how Ashton can get her entire table in line with her plan for whatever she thinks they should be doing.
Jaq is very clear in the fact that this is her last year at Preschool. She really enjoys being the "older" one there and is more forthcoming with stories from school than her sister ever was.
She continues to amaze her parents with her ability to remember things (especially those you might hope she didn't notice). She has a keen ability to piece together multiple sources of information into her own conclusions. I can only imagine what this will look like when she gets older. At age four, it's pretty impressive to watch.
We continue to be grateful for all the people in our lives, and for the blessings we have been given. Thank you all for being a part of our lives. We hope that your holiday is as richly blessed as our own.
Bob, Meg, Ashton and Jacqueline Bear