I don't know how it happened but some how my life has been invaded by Star Wars (and yes I blame Bob!). First it was the cartoon series, that introduced such complex discussions as "killing droids" and "what color is your light saber" and shouts of "I'm Ahsoka", "I'm Padme".
This quickly graduated to claims that the kids demanded to watch the movies and long discussions about which planet so and so came from etc. etc. For the majority of the discussions, I'm on record about being against this as age appropriate for a 3 year old and yet I seem to have no say in the matter.
We have now graduated to watching history channel programs on the science of star wars and now the girls have even asked Bob to start reading them the Star Wars books at night. We're taking turns where on mom's night we are reading the Little House series and on dads it's Star Wars. When they ask me to read Star Wars I stick to a similar story I used for painting nails... mom doesn't know how. My extended story is that since I don't know the proper names of all the places etc. I am ill equipped to read the books to them (which I might add are NOT children's books but young adult novels)
Today I hit a new low in the Star Wars fad when my youngest upon waking up came out and said "Mom, maybe I can teach you how to read the Star Wars books". Yes, this is now my life, a 3YO trying to teach me how to read a young adult novel. Where was that in the fine print of parenting? I'm seriously considering breaking out High School Musical or Hannah Montanna to fight back, but I know that will backfire!
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