Yup, our baby is two and there is a lot to update everyone about. First lets get the vital stats out of the way. She had her dr. apt today and weighed in at 27lbs and 34.5 inches, that's 50% weight and 75% height. This is a good improvement over the 25% weight she was at 18months. I attribute this to less sick days vs. any significant improvement in appetite to be honest. In general she was looking good with excellent showing off of verbal skills and (of course) more fluid in her ears.
Which brings me to the next topic -- her ENT (ear-nose-throat) dr. consultation this week. I had gone in suspecting she would be getting ear tubes and left a bit unclear. The dr. didn't mention tubes but instead said her tonsils and adenoids were infected/enlarged. She has to go back for a hearing test week after next (after a round of antibiotics to clear up the current infection) and then I guess we will see where we go from there. Of course through all of these dr. apts and 2 shots she was an excellent sport only really crying when they tried to get her to lay down vs. when they gave her a shot.
The birthday party was an excellent family event, with gifts being of specific interest this year (to both her and Ashton) and the bounce house being a big plus for both girls. As you can see there was a lot of bouncing and even the kids push car had to be ridden by the big sister.
And lastly we must discuss the big transition to the "big girl bed". Now those of you who know me well realize that I'm in no rush to get them out of the crib. I'm a HUGE fan of a cage that they cannot escape from (only in a good way I assure you). But alas our girl decided that a great two year old accomplishment would be the climb out of my crib trick. Yup, so just like she took her first steps exactly at age one, she decided she was done with a crib exactly at age 2. Good thing I had bought the conversion kit for her crib a few months ago. Bad thing was that we had to work out a temporary solution on the birthday night which I will forever remember as the over-bounced-over-caked-under-napped-terror-kids event where both she and her sister decided to freak out and make me wonder why we had them. Anyway we all survived that and now we have a toddler bed. We have even gotten one nap out of her in the bed (but only one out of about 6 tries, the rest of the time you really would have to call it a "bedroom party" vs a nap.
Which of course gives us the quote for this blog entry. Monday morning (first morning of the toddler bed) she came into the bathroom where I was getting ready and announced that "I get out my bed" with much glee. Sadly, Tuesday morning she decided to instead fall out of bed with a big THUMP. So we are all adjusting. For the record I still plan to continue to call her "baby" though out this year as she is still my baby and I'm in absolutely no hurry to have her grow up.
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