Monday, November 24, 2008

Thanksgiving weekend

Thanksgiving weekend started off with Suzie and the girls coming to stay on Wed night. Thursday Tash and Jordyn took the girls (mostly to get them out of our hair) while Suzie and I cooked and Bob did any required heavy lifting to prepare for the feast.

The girls got dressed up and went for a bit of a photo shoot to attempt to get a holiday card photo. Unfortunately, none of them made the cut for the actual photo. It's wicked hard to get both girls with eyes open, looking at the camera with good expressions on their faces. These are cute photos but don't really show their faces too much so they made the blog instead ;-)

After returning from the day away, Tash needed a beer to recover as we made the final preparations for dinner.
Jordyn was, as always, calm as could be through it all. She got employed by her mom to get the things off the "high shelves". I get a sense this is a normal job for J. these days. She really is getting tall.Of course, also as per normal I didn't get any photos of the rest of the family, the dinner or anything else that would make for a great thanksgiving photo post. I guess we were too interested in the food by that point. My cousin Kathi and Aunt Linn joined us just in time for dinner. It was wonderful having them, although we were sad that Uncle Johnny could not join as he is still recovering in the hospital in the city after his stroke.

So as per normal we had a lot to be thankful for, and while our mouths were too full to express our gratitude we were all very grateful to see John recovering and to have the rest of the family with us safe and well.
Later that weekend we endoured the Chuck E. Cheese adventure with the girls. They were much more impressed with this dinner choice but we are certain that they will grow to like Turkey dinner as the years progress. They had no trouble enjoying the desserts so as always Judy was the big hit.

Bravo to Suzie for cooking an excellent turkey for us all to enjoy, sorry I didn't take a photo.

Thanksgiving remains my favorite holiday, there is something really special on friday night when you realize that you have 2 more days off. I really should do more 4-day weekends, they are awesome.

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